
Tell you how to search a good result when you are shopping on line

If you're not getting enough results for the favourite product you are searching for,you may try any of the following :
•Search using a different word
There are many ways to describe for an item. Imagine the words a supplier might use. Try several different combinations (use no more than 3 words at one time). For example, searching for "Speaker amplifier " instead of "Stereo Amplifier" will get more results.
•Check your spelling
Make sure that if you are using the correct spelling for the product you are searching for. If there is more than one spelling for a word, try them all. For example,"Multimeter" is likely to spell wrong.
•Be careful when using "and", "or", "not", and "the"
Include these words only if you expect them to be in the item's title or description. Avoid using punctuation unless you expect it to be in the item's title or description (e.g. Fingerprint)
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